Sunday, June 12, 2011

Timeline of what God has done

I am officially a blogger! Yay! I want to be able to keep everyone updated on what is going on with seminary, baby, and everything else going on in our lives. Before you start reading about those things, I think it is really important to see what God has already done to get us to this point so we can look forward to what He is going to continue to do. 

February 3, 2011
Jason hears about a job with an after school non-profit called Campus Clubs. He put in an application to be the educational director. He met with the director. He went and visited. He was really excited about the potential. He was ready to get out of the school system and be moving towards something more ministry minded. 

March 5, 2011
Someone tells Jason that he heard the Campus Club position had been filled. 

March 7, 2011
Jason spends the day at Chicfila reading and journaling. He tells me that today he spent a good bit of time thinking about seminary and is considering it as a potential option. 

March 8, 2011
We find out that RTS Orlando has a preview day that weekend. We make the decision to go. 

March 12, 2011
We drive to Orlando. We talk to students and wives of students. We drive around Oviedo. We learn to say Oviedo. We find out that because we were in Campus Outreach, Jason would get 50% off his tuition. We love everything that we hear about classes, students, and professors. All the housing is really expensive, so we write down a phone number off a bulletin we see in the student lounge, hoping it could be an option. We leave really excited about the opportunity. 

March 15, 2011
We find out the job at Campus Clubs had NOT been filled. Jason does not get the job. 

March 21, 2011
Jason calls the phone number from the flier, and a man tells us that he will rent us his duplex for $600 a month including water, trash, and lawn care. We say that we will make a final decision when contracts come out. 

Thursday March 31, 2011
Several teachers get let go from Lane and we decide on making decision immediately, before contracts come out. 

Friday April 1, 2011
We tell our principals that we will not be returning next year. I plan on working full time teaching and Jason will work part time. Everyone that we tell is very supportive and excited for us. 

Monday April 4, 2011
I announce at our faculty meeting that we are moving. 

Wednesday April 6, 2011
Jason turns in his official letter of resignation. 

Thursday April 7, 2011
There is a pregnancy test just sitting on the counter and because I'm lazy, I decide to take it instead of putting it away. I leave at 7:50 for school. I take the test at 7:46. I have no reason to believe the results shouldn't be negative. Positive. I call Jason. Twice. I text him to call me as soon as he can. 10:30 Jason calls and I tell him. The line was faint and I wanted him to see so I take three more tests when we get home. All positive. I call Mom. I call Dad. I call Courtney.
God is completely in control. He is calling us to seminary. He makes sure we cannot back out. He WILL provide. We've always said that we believe it best that I not work when we have babies. We agree on this again. 

God has done incredible things. If Jason had not looked at the Campus Club job, he never would have explored other options besides teaching. If he thought that the Campus Club job was still available, he would not have seen the preview day. If we decided to go with our original deadline to decide whether to stay or go, Baby Berl might have changed our minds. 
I am excited about these next several years because I know that I will get to see God provide in amazing ways. It might not be easy, but we are convinced this is where He has us. This is not our mission, but His. He has already brought glory to Himself and I can only imagine what He is going to do these next several years and all the years to come after that.